Seven Deadly Sins of Ski Adventures
A Great North American Ski Adventure (GNASA) involves lots of time, money, commitment and planning. Imagine buying a house and the day you move in you find a broken water heater. Or a non-functioning HVAC system. You might say, “Who needs hot water, heat or air conditioning. I only spent $500,000 and six months of my time looking for the perfect house.” But not likely. More likely, you’d be pissed off. That’s why you had the house inspected. That’s why you examined all the big, and small, issues that might impair your ability to enjoy your home or require additional repair costs.
Our Seven Deadly Sins of a GNASA involve things that don’t quite rise to the level of best practices, but will piss you off if you don’t consider them and what to do if you encounter them. You can think of our best practices as the Virtues. The Sins are things mostly out of your control. But how you respond to them is not. If you have the knowledge and skills to properly address a Sin, you’ll maximize your GNASA enjoyment.
The Seven Deadly Sins of a GNASA?
- Rain,
- Not Knowing Where to Ski,
- Wind,
- Warm Weather,
- Elk & Rocks,
- Competitions, and
- Snowstorms (bear with me on this one)
Use the navigation menu to your right, or below to learn how to deal with these Sins.